Thursday, January 16, 2014

More Fun, Less Fear

"Today I realized that I actually enjoy doing things by myself. My goal for 2014 and years on is to do at least one thing a week that I've never done before. I went thrifting and got tea alone, found 3 amazing gems, and made friends in fitting room hallways that would give honest opinions and vice bad as I wanted these shiny thread embroidered GORGEOUS shorts to fit, they made me look like I had a diaper on (nobody likes a chick in a diaper..and my "friend" told me straight). So I finally found my life resolution: To do whatever I want, be more independent, always enjoy the little things, and smile...a lot."

Suddenly, it hit me.  I realized I've missed out on so many things I really wanted to do, due to no one to go with, whether it was schedule conflicts or I just felt uncomfortable going alone since I wasn't familiar with the area.  Had I not decided to go yesterday, I would have missed out on black sequin harem pants...every girl needs a pair, right?...along with 2 other items I've been searching for.

Granted the tea thing may not be a big deal for many people, but the fact if the matter was that I had no idea what I was going to order or if I was even going to LIKE my drink.  I'm typically "I like to study the menu before I decide to go somewhere" type of person.  That's a decent accomplishment, a step out my boundaries and I enjoyed my bubble milk green tea very much.


I want to better myself and spending time focusing on insignificant matters is just a waste of life.  Every day, adventure and chance to live is a gift.  Meeting new people and learning new things is an adventure in itself, after all, if you never try, you'll live your life without knowing.

This year at least once a week, I'm going to go somewhere or do something I've never done before (insert a little influence from Breakfast at Tiffany's).  I plan to document every milestone, whether it's a new fitness class, new restaurant I've tried, new meal I prepared, and so on...This way, looking back a year for now, I can recall all the things I did and how far I have come.

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